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Suite 414

Miami Beach, FL 33139

Lip Injections – Everything You Need to Know

This is your complete guide to lip injections, including what it is exactly, how long it lasts, and what to expect.

What is lip filler?

Lip augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that helps volumize and enhance your lips with an injectable filler (the most common being hyaluronic acid-based solutions). Filler is great for adding natural looking volume, shape, fullness and/or evening out your lip shape.  While you might think of Instagram-influencer lips when you hear the words “lip injections,” know that filler is actually super customizable—the right provider, experience level, and an in-depth consultation are necessary to create the best look for you and your vibe (whether that’s big and bold or lowkey and subtle).

Why get lip fillers?

You can have your lips done without them looking done, and while there will always be requests for the pillowy, plumped-up pout, most prospective patients tend to go for the subtle, done-undone aesthetic. Lips come in all shapes and sizes and can also be asymmetrical, and requests for a more symmetrical look is a common reason that people come in for corrective lip procedures involving lip filler. Adding a touch of volumizing filler can create a visual harmony, with the lips more closely resembling one another in size and shape. 

Winding back the clock is another huge motivator for many patients. A little carefully placed filler can help restore volume lost with time, blur fine vertical lines that wrap around the lip, and reinforce the lip edges in a beautiful and subtle way.

Lastly, some people get lip fillers to moisturize their lips. The hyaluronic acid will trap in moisture, so it’s really great for people who have chronically chapped lips.

How long do lip injections last?

As far as how long lip fillers last, that depends on how much a patient gets, their metabolism, the desired plumpness, and the product used. You can usually expect anywhere from 6 months to 3 years on average. The mileage really does vary. Some people may need to get their fillers topped off after six months, and others may be fine for longer.

What do I need to know before getting lip fillers?

Before your lip injection appointment, make sure to avoid blood thinners. Thinner blood will make the area more prone to bruising and bleeding, so 10 days prior, stop taking painkillers (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen), fish oil, and vitamin E—and, yes, stop drinking alcohol, which also thins your blood. And anyone who has a history of cold sores should take their prevention medication two days before the procedure, because it could trigger a flare-up.

What should you not do after lip injections?

Sorry, but you’ll want to stay out of the gym for at least 24 hours. You should also avoid activities that increase blood flow to your face, like getting a massage or facial, or doing headstands, which can only add to the swelling. You’ll likely be a little swollen and/or red after your treatment, so take care of the area similar to an injury – rest and hydrate.

What happens if I hate it?

Try to pinpoint what, exactly, isn’t striking your fancy. With filler, less is often more. Underfilling, versus running the risk of overfilling, is a much better route. I’d much rather have a patient come back to me requesting more than to have to dissolve filler if it’s been overdone. Reputable injectors deeply understand the limits of lip filler and the importance of starting small, so if it’s fuller lips you’re after, discuss your goals in the consult to align on strategy.

woman getting lip injection

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